Tanzania will between February 23 -24 host the EU-Tanzania Business Forum in Dar es Salaam that seeks to present Tanzania’s opportunities and comparative advantage as a strategic destination for direct investments to businesses and investors from the European Union (EU).
Speaking during a briefing held in Dar es Salaam yesterday, H.E. Manfredo Fanti, the Ambassador of the EU to Tanzania said the EU-Tanzania Business Forum reaffirms EU’s longstanding commitment to support private sector development and investments in Tanzania.
“This will be a very visible event on which we will build taking the opportunity of the government’s commitment to improve the legal and administrative framework for the business, an essential condition to attract foreign direct investment,” said H.E. Fanti
The EU-Tanzania Business Forum 2023 will attract high-level participation from Europe and Tanzania, including political leaders, heads of international financial institutions, executives of distinguished companies, and prominent business delegates.
“About 600 participants interested in investing and/or expanding their business in Tanzania in the sectors of energy transition, agriculture, manufacturing, logistics, digital connectivity and construction, will convene for the two days,” he said
To ensure the success of the Business Forum, the EU and the government of Tanzania have engaged multiple stakeholders from the private sector in Tanzania and Europe, financial institutions and other experts.
The objectives are: to showcase Tanzania’s opportunities and comparative advantage for EU investors; to facilitate discussions among business peers, government officials and political leaders of both Tanzania and Europe, with a view to catalysing new partnerships.
Moreover, the Forum aims at presenting the tools for private investment (registration, work permit, rules of origin) and private sector development (access to finance, connectivity, skills development); and at providing a platform for Private-Public dialogue to further improve the business environment.
The 2023 EU Tanzania Business Forum is tailor-made to selected entities and participants who will benefit from direct business-to-business (B2B), business to financial institutions (B2F), and business to government actors (B2G) one-on-one engagements and matchmaking.