ASX-listed Walkabout Resources has announced that the latest batch of equipment it has ordered has left China, bound for the Lindi Jumbo graphite mine, in Tanzania.
Equipment en route to Tanzania will allow for the near completion of the mechanical installation of the front-end of the processing plant – the crushing, milling and concentration circuits.
Payment for the shipment has been deferred by Jinpeng until funding is in place.
Jinpeng, the engineering, procurement and construction contractor for Lindi Jumbo, has agreed to defer payment for the contractual milestone payment triggered by this shipment until full construction funding is in place.
This shipment consists of all the remaining plate and steelwork required to finish off the crushing, screening and fine ore bin areas; all the plate and steelwork for the platforms around the mills and classifiers and the drum scrubber; all the beam supports for the flotation cells enabling the placement and installation of the flotation cells; and all the plate and steelwork for the platforms around flotation cells and attrition mills.
This will allow for the continuation of the site erection activities on site including the completion of all the structural steel and mechanical work for the crusher, screening and fine ore bin areas; mechanical installation of the classifiers onto their foundations; completion of all the steel platforms around the mills and classifiers; and placement of the flotation cells on their foundations and the completion of the platforms around the flotation cells.
“We continue to greatly appreciate the support provided by our major contractors to Lindi Jumbo. Jinpeng are committed to the completion of the processing plant. Once received, this shipment will allow further significant site works to erect the bulk of the remaining equipment at Lindi Jumbo while the civils works continue in preparation of the delivery of the remainder of the equipment,” says CEO Andrew Cunningham.
Source: Mining Weekly